Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 6JoshuaPocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 8

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 7

“The priests … stood firm on dry ground.” (3:17)

The river Jordan was the final barrier between the nation of Israel and the promised land. Though, on account of the rains, it was in full flood, God still made a way through. As soon as the feet of the priests who carried the ark stepped down into the river, the waters further upstream ceased to flow. Unlike the Red Sea, there was no agency, like wind, employed, neither was there Moses’ rod; the ark and its correct, sanctified carrying by the priests was sufficient to stop the waters and allow the people to cross over on dry land. The priests carrying the ark stood still as the people crossed over. The waters stopped at a city called Adam. This is highly suggestive of all the sin that flowed down since Adam’s disobedience. It had finally been cancelled out allowing God’s people, people of faith in Christ, unhindered by sin to cross over and begin to possess their possessions and enjoy their full inheritance that God had prepared for them. It was a symbol of baptism as they passed from the old to the new. The river Jordan is often depicted as the symbol of death as we pass over from earth to heaven. Though there are elements of truth in that, it signifies a far greater death, as the old, pointless, fruitless, barren years of wandering come to an end and the new life of being in all of God’s promises in Christ Jesus really begins. Have we gone through this spiritual baptism of death followed by resurrection and new life?

PRAYER :- “Lord, in giving me a new inheritance, thank you that You cut off all my old, natural inheritance.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 6JoshuaPocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 8