Pocket Sized Thoughts – Christmas – Part 2ChristmasPocket Sized Thoughts – Christmas – Part 4

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Christmas – Part 3

He humbled Himself, making Himself as nothing, took upon Himself the form of a servant, made in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:7)

These are incredible thoughts. The Lord of all glory, the Creator-Sovereign of the entire universe humbled Himself by becoming human. His deity was not a prize, or title to be held onto at any cost. And, far from letting go, or losing out on something, that is, His deity, He took something on, that is, the structure of a man slave. Christ was and still is, God; only the form changed. And, not becoming any kind of man, but one who was a servant, to serve. These thoughts alone should stop us in our tracks and make us bow before His superlative greatness. Think of it; the Supreme King, not coming to crush us, nor even to present us with an impossible standard to live up to, but to come to gently serve, lead and guide to know more of Him. As Charles Wesley wrote in one of his hymns, “God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man.” It is a mystery and defies explanation, but it is not esoteric and all mysterious. The simplest child can know and believe and thus, embrace all that it means of God taking on human flesh and living among us. Wonder of wonders, God incarnate!

PRAYER :- “Lord, thank you that you ever came to help and serve me in my lost estate.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Christmas – Part 2ChristmasPocket Sized Thoughts – Christmas – Part 4