Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 Thessalonians – Part 5ThessaloniansPocket Sized Thoughts – 1 Thessalonians – Part 7

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 Thessalonians – Part 6

That you increase more and more …” (4:10)

While Paul speaks of affliction, he also prays for abundance and overflowing. The two thoughts are not incompatible. If we are rooted and grounded in Christ it will force qualities of Christian character to grow. And, not just to grow, but to super-abound, especially in the areas of love and pleasing God. What an amazing thought that when so much else is shut down through one affliction, or another, we can still love one another in various ways and we can please God. This is not a time for moaning, but excelling in all the virtues of the Lord Jesus Christ. This includes sanctification, self-control, honour, being conscientious in work, not loud-mouthed or gossiping, not despising others and letting go of all grudges. There is no limit to growth. If these qualities are already in us, then let them, Paul says, increase more and more. There is always room for improvement. What a testimony it would be to God and the world if these aspects of Christian life were very much evidently on display in all our lives.

PRAYER :- “Lord, help me not to be self-centered, but to live a life that is well pleasing to you in all things.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 Thessalonians – Part 5ThessaloniansPocket Sized Thoughts – 1 Thessalonians – Part 7