Pocket Sized Thoughts – Temptation – Part 7TemptationPocket Sized Thoughts – Temptation – Part 9

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Temptation – Part 8

Master, do you not care that we are dying?” (Mark 4:38)

Jesus and the disciples were in a familiar boat on a familiar stretch of water. It was night. Then, the unplanned for came. They had seen storms before but this one was particularly ferocious. The waves engulfed the boat and death by drowning seemed certain. In the middle of severe trial, there is the temptation of the unworthy thought that God doesn’t care or has forgotten us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do not misinterpret His sleeping for uncaring. The good thing is that at least the disciples came to Him. When we call upon His name, He may not answer immediately, but this does not mean that He does not care. He will rise and rebuke the storm but the thing that Jesus wants most of all is to strengthen our faith. Trust Him in every trial.

PRAYER – “Lord, help me not to doubt you but to realise that your care for me will never fail.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Temptation – Part 7TemptationPocket Sized Thoughts – Temptation – Part 9