Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 4JoshuaPocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 6

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 5

“The Lord has delivered all the land into our hands” (2:24)

One final word needs to be said about the two men who were sent as spies into the city of Jericho. Forty years previously, 12 spies were sent into the promised land. Only two brought back a good report. The other ten were full of despair, unbelief and discouragement which quickly spread to the entire nation. This time, it was very different. Despite their narrow escape (thanks to Rahab), the two men came back with a truly positive report, stating that fear was not in themselves but in the inhabitants of the land …. because of them! They were full of faith assured of victory that the Lord was about to give them. What had changed? The inhabitants were still the same; the giants were still there and the spies had had first-hand experience of the walled cities that seemed so impregnable and forbidding forty years ago. It was a new generation with a new leader. Faith breathed through the people as they were not depending just upon the law. God was speaking and His words were mixed with faith. Unbelief had been carried away and all things seemed possible. Thus it is with our heavenly Joshua, Jesus Christ; let us cling to Him and His words. If not, we will lapse back into legal servitude and sure defeat.

PRAYER :- “Lord, thank you that all Your promises are sure and steadfast.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 4JoshuaPocket Sized Thoughts – Joshua – Part 6