Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 6Letters of John and JudePocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 8

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 7

Whosoever keeps His word, truly in him, the love of God is perfected.” (2:5)

The apostle John is very keen that the Christians he is writing to should remain in the light and be free from all the destructive power of sin. One of the ways of doing this is by obeying God’s commands. Whoever keeps His word, the love of God will be perfected in him. He will walk and live as Christ lived. This love will be demonstrated not only toward God, who cannot be seen, but also toward his fellow believer, who can be seen (1 John 4:20). This is one of the strongest themes in the whole letter and is emphasised again and again. If we say we love God and walk in the light, then we will love our brothers and sisters in Christ. We cannot hate them. To do so, is totally incompatible with the light and life of Jesus Christ. The love of the world is fickle and changeable. The love of Christ is unchanging, pure and totally impartial. This is the love of God which the Father has freely given to us and poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). It distinguishes us as His children and makes us so different from the world (3:1). This is the love which God wants us to know. This is the love which is to guide every action and thought, not only to God, but also to others.

PRAYER :- “Lord, Your love is unlike any other; help me to know it more and more in my life.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 6Letters of John and JudePocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 8