Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 3Letters of John and JudePocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 5

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 4

God is light and in Him, there is no darkness at all.” (1:5)

God is not just a source of light, He is light. Whichever He could be turned, there would be no variation, nor shadow (James 1:18). He is all light, through and through. It is not just the light of a brilliant shining, it is the light of purity and righteousness. Men avoid this light. Why? Because their deeds are evil (John 3:19). They prefer darkness where their actions cannot be exposed. But, in the light, nothing can be hidden. All is open and transparent. This is the basis for fellowship. To hide away, or pretend, is to be in darkness. God is not fooled as He sees everything because He is light. The only one we would deceive is ourselves. God wants fellowship; in order to have light, we must step into the light and leave all darkness behind. We may be afraid, or ashamed at what may be revealed. But, in the light there is also cleansing, so any darkness would be removed altogether. God constantly reached out to Israel of old inviting them to come and walk in the light of the Lord (Isaiah 2:5). They refused. The same invitation is made to us. Let us come into the light, having all darkness washed away so that we may fully enjoy fellowship with the Father and the Son and also with one another.

PRAYER :- “Lord, thank you that you are light. Help me not to be afraid so I may always live in your light.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 3Letters of John and JudePocket Sized Thoughts – 1 John – Part 5