Parent Category (Pocket Sized Thoughts [Roger Jacobs])

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Song of Solomon – Part 2

Unwisely, the prospective bride considers herself and all she can see is her own disqualifications, which are as dark as the tents of Kedar. Kedar was a son of Ishmael (Genesis 25:13), a child of the flesh and thus, would have no hope of entering the courts of the King and sitting in the company of His own people. The way in is by the way of the Shepherd; His sheep hear His voice, which is the voice of re-assurance. Though there are disqualifiations, He re-assures her that she is welcome and will be made acceptable by the gold of divine work in her and the silver price of redemption (1:11). His death (referred to as myrrh in 1:12) pays the price and makes us totally accepted with the King and His beloved ones. There is no other way. What are we looking at to get ourselves ‘qualified’?

PRAYER :- “Lord, help me not to look at myself and my own failings, but to look to you and all that you have done for me by your life and by your death.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Song of Solomon – Part 1

Of all the songs which Solomon wrote (he wrote 1005 – 1 Kings 4:32), this one, called the Song of Songs, is the greatest. It is the greatest, because its theme is the greatest, that is, the theme of love. Though it depicts the love between Solomon and a Shunamite woman, it is not simply a physical love. It is a picture of the love between God and His people, Christ and His bride, the church. It is a love that is enduring, eternal, never fading, or growing weary. It is a love that shines brightly and is better than wine. In fact, it is the best ‘wine’ (see John 2:10), better than anything ever tasted. The response from the one awakened by this incomparable love is “draw me” (1:4). There is more and she wants to pursue it with all her heart. The invitation is there to be brought into the “chambers”, the inner place of intimacy and rest with God. Have our hearts been awakened by this love to stir us into action of ‘running after Him.’

PRAYER :- “Lord, open my eyes to see afresh the wonder and depth of your incomparable love.”